Once upon a time you used to be in school and had plenty of time with your friends. Then life got a little tougher and you started going to college but you still had friends. Then you got a job and your friendship was limited to meet up on weekends. Now, you have kids and a job and a house to look after. Your friendship, especially the girl’s day out, has taken a back seat and you have more responsibilities. But you have to give yourself a bit of time which you can have with your best friends who are going through the same life events. You need to have a perfect getaway in the form of Ladies Only Night . What comes to your mind when you say ladies only? It is a night where you treat yourself with gossips and an update on where your friends are in their life. There are many ways of doing this. One of the most popular things which you can do especially if you are living in Dubai is to have a day in a trampoline park. How? And ladies in a trampoline park? Well, they can be. There are...
What do you need for healthy living? A good support system. Where you will find that support system? You will find it in your friends. There are so many reasons why you need this support system. You might be going through extremely good or bad times. You might be getting married, had kids and don't have time for yourself or probably going through a divorce. Your friends have to be there for you. There are so many ideas to have the perfect Ladies Only day, for example, you can plan a road trip, a nice lunch, or meet-up at one of your girlfriend's house, or a pamper day at a spa. They all sound great mature. Have you ever thought about being a kid again with your girlfriends? This sounds impossible but there is a way which gives you a chance of being a kid again. This way is Trampoline Parks in Dubai. Now, why other than just being a kid for one day, there are other benefits too. Here are a few of them: • Metabolism Booster- Trampolining can help you get rid of the ex...